Sunday, November 4, 2007

Can I Tune Out Complaints?

How are you supposed to be an intent listener and focus on what someone is saying if they don't listen to you?

I had this problem earlier this week.

A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend of two years a few months ago. She loves him, but doesn't want to marry him and could see that was the direction they were headed if they stayed together.

Her ex is having a hard time with this, and since I am good friends with both of them, I have somehow become a middle-man between his complaining about her and pining for her attention, and her attempts to wash her hands of the whole situation.

It really has gotten night he tried to start a fight with a much bigger guy out of stupid jealousy and she literally had to hit him in the face to get him to snap out of it.

So he talked to me endlessly a few nights ago, very upset, claiming all of her friends refuse to talk to him anymore because she has "stolen" them away to her side. There are sides here? I am sorry if I don't want to listen to his whining and moaning about her "giving him another chance". Especially if I am not aloud to tune him out this week.

He also has convinced himself she wants nothing more than to twist the knife he believes she has stabbed through his heart. If only he could take her out to a nice dinner, talk to her parents, go to a movie, convince her friends they should be together...

AHH!! NO!!

She will never change her mind. I told him that. Several times.

I know it is hard for you, I wish I could make you feel better, but this is how it is. I told him that. Several times.

All to no avail. He continued repeating the same things so I yelled at him that I couldn't listen to it anymore and stalked off.

So is it better that I just left, or am I a cold-hearted person for not wanting to sympathize with him anymore? At least I didn't have to listen to it anymore.


Unsugarcoated Reviews said...

people in love or experiencing problems in love sometimes sound annoying, but they'll get over it, just give them some time :)

Lauren Groblewski said...

I know, thanks for the encouragement. I hope it will be sooner rather than later...for his sake and all of those around him.

Anonymous said...

May you be lucky enough to never feel the way he does now. He doesn't need reality, he needs sympathy and a friend who can introduce him to a cute girl for a rebound.

Lauren Groblewski said...

If I knew a good rebound girl for him I would be all over it!