One of the greatest feelings in the world is having a conversation with someone who supports all those things you want to do but didn't think you could.
I talked to my mom yesterday for a long time, and we had one of those conversations.
My problem is my vast dreams, desires and ambitions. And my lack of time, or rather, perceived lack of time.
I want to study abroad. I want to get a dual degree. I want to volunteer. I want to have a great internship. I want to train for 2008 Olympic Trials (no seriously; I am a competitive swimmer). I want to give back to the swim team that has given so much to me. I want to visit old friends and make new ones. The list goes on.
Unfortunately, I feel like the only opportunity for all these things is now. The pressure is on to squeeze everything into my last year and a half of school, and doing all these things at once would require an extra set of hands and probably another six hours in my day.
I often feel that I am cursed with no direction in my life. It is not that I don't know what I want to do, it is that I know too many things. Where do I start?
My mom helped me realize there will be time. If not this year, then next, or the year after that.
I love the idea of a slow life, slowing down to appreciate what you are doing, not what you need to do or where you might end up. That is my challenge for the week right? Don't rush?
Well I sorted out the study abroad question, with blessings from my mom. Now the other things start to fall into place.
I can only climb one mountain at a time right?